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Analysis of Dynamic Response Parameter of Stiffened Plates Under Moving Slamming Loads
YIN Minglu, ZOU Luyao, QU Xue, WU Jianguo
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (02): 88-95.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.02.010
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In response to the issue of slamming loads experienced by ship structures under high sea conditions, this paper employs the Abaqus finite element software to simulate the impact of slamming loads moving in different directions on the dynamic response of five stiffened panels. The slamming load is equivalently modeled as a pulse time history that rises linearly and decays exponentially. By varying the load parameters (peak pressure, low pressure, length of rising section, length of falling section and moving speed), the paper analyzes the specific impact of these parameters on the dynamic response of the stiffened panels. The research finds that the dynamic response of the stiffened panels is closely related to the load parameters, especially the influence of moving speed on the dynamic response is the most significant. Furthermore, by introducing the moving dynamic load factor DLFm and conducting a dimensionless analysis, the paper deeply explores the variation laws and sensitivities between the dynamic response and the dimensionless parameters of the slamming load, providing important theoretical basis for the design and optimization of ship structures.
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