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CFD Simulation of Self-Propulsion and Energy Saving Evaluation for a Typical Bulk Carrier Equipped With Energy Saving Duct
YU Xin, WU Chengsheng, JIN Yixing, QIU Gengyao
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (05): 48-58.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.05.048
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The accurate prediction and evaluation of energy-saving effect is of great importance for ships equipped with energy saving ducts (ESDs). The CFD calculation and analysis of a typical bulk carrier equipped with ESDs are carried out for the international benchmark model of Japan Bulk Carrier (JBC). Firstly, the resistances of model ships with and without ESDs are numerically calculated by using different turbulence models and different meshes, with analysis of the wake field. The standard and RNG turbulence models are then adopted for the self-propulsion simulation of the model ships based on the analysis of the numerical results of the ship resistances and the flow field. The energy saving effect of the ESD that is predicted from the self-propulsion results is quite close to that from the model test results. It shows that the CFD calculation method in the current study can be used for the prediction and evaluation of the energy saving effect of the full ship equipped with ESDs.
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