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Ship-Shore Compatibility and Practical Operation Points for LNG Carriers
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (03): 97-106.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.097
Abstract215)      PDF (1815KB)(442)       Save
Ship-shore matching verification is an important guarantee for safe berthing, unberthing, and efficient operation of ships. The basic procedure of the ship-shore compatibility study has been summarized through the confirmation and analysis of the ship-shore compatibility study before the handling operation during the berthing of the LNG carrier. The key points of the practical operation and control are pointed out by focusing on the information exchange between ships and shore, data collection and mooring analysis, with emphasis on the importance and necessity of the ship-shore compatibility study. The requirements and reasonable suggestions are provided for the monitoring of practical operation, the ship-shore safety check, the port state control inspection and the review of ships that have passed the ship-shore compatibility study but have not arrived at the port for a long time during the handling operation of berthing ships. The measures against the listed problems that arise from the insufficient compatibility study are provided to guide other receiving terminals to conduct sufficient compatibility study, ship-shore interface safety check and port state control inspection, and safely and efficiently finish relevant jobs, such as the berthing, operation, unberthing and re-berthing of the ships. The operation efficiency of the ships at shore stations is improved to achieve the optimal berthing operation.
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