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Protection Methods Suitable for Ship Direct Current Regional Distribution Network
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (05): 55-64.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.05.055
Abstract157)            Save
Direct current (DC) regional distribution network is the important intermediate network of AC/DC hybrid power system. It is of great significance to optimize the distribution of electric energy and improve the vitality of the ship. This article analyzes the topological structure of the typical ship DC regional distribution network, and studies the applicability of the various commonly used DC line protection methods according to their operation characteristics. It also summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the various protection methods. It is concluded that the protection of the abrupt change current, which combines the current differential protection, the current change rate and the current change amount, has the better applicability to the ship DC regional distribution network. It provides theoretical foundation for the research on the protection methods of the ship DC regional distribution network.
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On Axial Compression Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Suspension Aluminum Alloy Monolithic Wall Panel
ZHU Yi-fan, ZHANG Ping, CHEN Hai-tao, WU Jian-guo
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (05): 32-40.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.05.032
Abstract124)            Save
The suspended monolithic wall panel structure is a new structure of aluminum alloy hovercraft. The axial compression ultimate bearing capacity of the suspended monolithic wall panel has been analyzed by using the nonlinear finite element method. The applicability of the design formula for the stability of stiffened plates in the current "Rules for Construction and Classification of Sea-going High Speed Craft" is also discussed. The effects of the initial defect, beam stiffness, lateral pressure and residual stress on the ultimate bearing capacity of the aluminum alloy monolithic panels are investigated for the four aluminum alloymonolithic wall panel models, including one-span, five-span, strong beam and weak beam. The results show that the suspended aluminum alloy stiffened plate simulated and calculated using the ISSC defect form is the lowest. When the number of the span increases and the strength of the beam is insufficient, the lateral pressure will significantly reduce the axial compression ultimate bearing capacity of the stiffened plate, while the effect of the residual stress is relatively small.
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Design and Analysis of Standard Ship Type for Jiangsu Inland River Container Ship
YU Quan-hu, ZHANG Ping
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (02): 1-8.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.02.001
Abstract277)            Save
The standard of the principal dimensions for the inland standard ship types and the revision of the navigation regulations are sorted out combined with the research of the container ship operating in Jiangsu section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, in order to enhance the standardization level of the inland container transport ships in Jiangsu province and to match the ship types with the development of navigation infrastructures, such as locks and waterways. The design points of the standard ship type for the inland container ships in Jiangsu are also analyzed from the ship principal dimensions, cabin arrangement, hull structure and the application of new energy power, etc. The design of 48 TEU, 64 TEU and 96 TEU standard container ships has also been completed. Although limited by the current situation of concerning about the ship cost in the inland river shipping, the design of the standard container ships often adopts the traditional basic ship design ideas. However, the important development direction of the standard ship types should be the development and application of the green energy-saving ships that meet the requirements of inland EEDI by using the advanced technology.
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