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Design of Regional Vibration Isolation Module of Ship Pump Set Based on High Vibration Isolation Requirements
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (03): 96-106.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.03.010
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In order to meet the high requirements of vibration isolation index and layout of the engine room pump set for a quiet ship, the design of the regional vibration module of the engine room pump set of the ship is studied by utilizing the advantages of compact equipment layout, high space utilization and good vibration isolation effect of the regional vibration isolation module. A design calculation and analysis process for the regional vibration isolation module with high vibration isolation performance is established from the aspects of the general arrangement of the regional vibration isolation module, finite element modeling, modal analysis of the middle raft, module modal analysis, module static analysis and module harmonic response analysis. The design of this type of regional vibration isolation module and the calculation and evaluation of vibration isolation index have been completed, and its vibration isolation performance has been tested. The results show that the vibration isolation performance of this type of regional isolation module can meet the design requirements of the high vibration isolation index of the engine room pump set for the quiet ship.
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On Performance of Sewage Vacuum Pipe Silencer
NIE Leixin, WU Libin, ZHONG Tao
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 98-104.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.098
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The noise of the marine sewage vacuum pipeline system seriously impact the working and living environment of the crew, resulting in a strong demand for the noise reduction of the pipeline system by the crew. The characteristics of the noise source of the marine sewage vacuum pipeline system are analyzed to study the noise control technology of the pipeline system. It also proposes the noise reduction measures of the pipeline system, and carries out the design and performance test of the pipeline silencer. It plays an active role in improving the working and living environments of the engine room and living accommodation.
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Research on Dynamic Calculation of Gravity Water Filling Operation Time for Ballast System
HAN Jian, WU Li-bin, ZHONG Tao
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (03): 107-110.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.03.107
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The ballast system is the core system of the naval ship to implement attitude adjustment during the various loading conditions. The control of the operation time is critical to the system design. It focuses on the ballast system combing gravity water filling and the pump water filling. The dynamic calculation of the operation time for the single-tank and multi-tanks gravity water filling that varies with the liquid level in the ballast tank and the hull waterlines are studied based on the law of energy conservation and the law of mass conservation. The artificial prediction strategy is proposed for the transformation from the gravity water filling to the pump water filling. It can provide reference for the calculation and application of the full-scale ships.
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