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Parametric Design of Drill Floor Structure Based on NAPA Designer
TANG Xudong, ZHOU Shumin, ZHANG Pengfei
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (05): 38-46.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.05.038
Abstract84)      PDF (2790KB)(136)       Save
The drill floor structure, which supports the drilling modules of the drillship or drilling unit, should not only meets the requirements of the operation function, but also restricted by the hull dimensions and weight control, and different design schemes should be developed quickly for comparison and selection in the preliminary design stage. Under this background, based on the secondary development function provided by NAPA Designer, a parametric design module of drill floor structure is compiled, which drives the creation and update of the parametric model of the drill floor through data interaction. In addition, various design schemes are quickly provided for comparison and selection, and furthermore, finite element models are exported for structural strength analysis. Through a real ship project, it has been proved that the parametric design method of drill floor structure based on NAPA Designer can reduce the user threshold and significantly improve the design efficiency.
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On Calculation Method for Structural Strength of Cylindrical FPSO Damping Box
ZHOU Shumin, YANG Yue, WANG Pu
Ship & Boat    2021, 32 (05): 114-119.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.05.114
Abstract139)            Save
The damping box is the key device to improve the added water mass and the viscous damping effect for the cylindrical Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO), which can effectively reduce heave and roll motion. The damping box is usually the cantilever box-like structure connected with the cylinder. The structural design and strength check of the damping box and its connection with the cylinder are critical to the structural design of the cylindrical FPSO. The maximum pressure and maximum damping force of the damping box are taken as the objective design load. It carries out the check and analysis of the structural strength of the damping box by using the sub-model method to check the structural strength of the damping box, taking the deformation obtained from the total strength analysis as the boundary condition, and the Morison method to simulate the viscous damping effect. It can provide reference for the structural design of the damping box.
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