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Technical Characteristics, State-of-Art and Underwater-Radiated Noise Control Measures for Application of Azimuth Thruster on Icebreaking/Oceanographic Research Vessel
ZHU Lin-bo, LIU Liang-qing, SHI Zhi-sai
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (05): 51-58.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.05.051
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There i no engineering case for the application of the azimuth thruster on the icebreaking oceanographic research vessel which can meet the requirements of the lower underwater-radiated noise yet. The suggestions on the control of the underwater noise for the azimuth thruster and the most up-to-date technologies for the simulation and calculation of the pod noise are proposed based on the investigation and analysis of the technical application characteristics of the azimuth thruster and the application in full-scale ships, combining with the highest underwater noise requirements in the DNV·GL and CCS rules. It provides reference for the integrated selection and the design of the azimuth propulsion system equipped on the icebreaking oceanographic research vessel under the higher requirements of the underwater-radiated noise.
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