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Application of Dual Load Linesina 2 300 TEU Feeder Line Container Ship
ZUO Wen-an
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (06): 9-17.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.06.009
Abstract143)            Save
Ship owners have higher requirements on loadindexes with the increasing competition of the feeder line container ships. The further exploration of the loading potential will face the great challenges without variation of the principal dimensions, the general arrangement and structural design of the original ship. The method of adopting the dual load lines has been proposed for the 2 300 TEU container ship. It carries out the feasibility analysis from the aspects of the deadweight, freeboard, line of sight, damage stability and container average index. The results show that the addition of one load line greatly improves the loading capacity of the 2 300 TEU container ship, which has the significant economic efficiency with the consistent high praise from the ship owners.
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