船舶 ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (04): 1-18.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.04.001

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  1. 中国船舶工业行业协会 北京 100861
  • 收稿日期:2023-06-28 修回日期:2023-07-20 出版日期:2023-08-25 发布日期:2023-08-24
  • 作者简介:李彦庆(1966-),男,硕士,研究员。研究方向:船舶工业技术与发展战略、国际政策规则/标准与产业技术创新、智能船舶技术与智能航运体系等。李彦庆,1988 年毕业于天津大学海洋与船舶工程系,2011 年担任中船集团第七一四研究所所长,2018 年担任第七研究院党委书记,曾担任中船集团国际部主任、活跃造船专家联盟(ASEF)副理事长,现任中 船集团科技委常委、中国船舶工业行业协会(CANSI)秘书长、国际标准化组织船舶与海洋技术委员会(ISO/ TC8)主席。主要研究方向是行业技术与发展战略、国际规则/标准与产业技术创新、智能船舶技术与智能 航运体系等,专长于船舶工业产业组织、企业竞争力和技术战略等方面的研究;主持过多项重大科研项目 ,荣获国防科技进步奖及中船重工科技奖多项,领导ISO/TC8在国际船舶与海洋领域标准制订方面取得开创性成果,2018 年被 ISO 授予“劳伦斯·艾彻领导奖”。

Impact of Green and Low-Carbon on the Development of Maritime Industry

LI Yanqing   

  1. China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry, Beijing 100861, China
  • Received:2023-06-28 Revised:2023-07-20 Online:2023-08-25 Published:2023-08-24

摘要: 海事工业的绿色低碳发展是全球控制气候变化背景下的大势所迫,也推动了海事工业产业的转型升级。联合国自启动气候变化议题以来,国际海事界一直在寻求通过结合技术、运营和市场这3种措施,推动减排问题的根本解决;与此同时,有关海上防污染的主题内容不断丰富,立法推动下的新技术应用正促进整船解决的“绿色方案”日臻成熟。产品端理念与方法的快速变化,正日益影响着船舶设计、制造与营运的全过程,并已扩展到以碳足迹全生命周期视野下的供应链管理。该文旨在分析总结过去十几年来海事立法重点、行业技术创新、重要热点以及未来影响产业发展的若干重大因素,围绕海运替代燃料转型这个关键问题,从产业竞争与技术发展的角度,提出行业顺应绿色低碳发展的方向、重点与策略。

关键词: 海事工业, 造船, 航运碳排放, 海事立法, 绿色船舶, 船舶替代燃料

Abstract: Upholding the green and low-carbon development of the maritime industry is not only imperative for the control of the global climate change, but also promotes the industrial transformation and upgrading. Since the United Nation launched the action on Climate Change, the international maritime community has been seeking a fundamental solution to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction through the combination of technology, operation and market. With the continuous enriching of the topics on the marine pollution prevention, the application of new technologies driven by the legislation is promoting the gradually developed “green solutions” for whole-ship solutions. The rapid changes in product concepts and methods are also increasingly affecting the whole process of the ship design, manufacturing and operation, extending to the supply chain management in the perspective of the full life cycle of carbon footprint. The current study aims to analyze and summarize the key points of GHG emission reduction in maritime legislation, industry technological innovation, important hot issues and several major factors affecting the future development of the industry in the past decade. Focusing on the key issue of alternative marine fuel transition, the directions, key points and strategies of the industry to adapt to green and low-carbon are proposed from the perspective of industrial competition and technological development.

Key words: maritime industry, shipbuilding, shipping carbon emission, maritime legislation, green ship, alternative marine fuel
