Ship & Boat ›› 2021, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (04): 37-42.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2021.04.037

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Simulation Method of Propeller-Induced Fluctuating Pressure in Ship Vibration Response Calculation

DING Ning, GAO Zhan-feng, XIAO Yu   

  1. COSCO Shipping Heavy Industry Design and Research Institute, Yangzhou 225200, China
  • Received:2020-12-02 Revised:2021-01-28 Online:2021-08-25 Published:2021-09-13


丁宁, 高占峰, 肖宇   

  1. 中远海运重工设计研究院 扬州225200
  • 作者简介:丁 宁(1990-),男,硕士,工程师。研究方向:船舶结构设计。高占峰(1977-),男,硕士,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶结构设计。肖 宇(1992-),男,硕士,助理工程师。研究方向:船舶结构设计。

Abstract: Serious ship vibration not only affects the accommodation comfort of the ship, but also leads to the fatigue damage of the hull structure and reduces the accuracy and the service life of ship equipment and instruments. Therefore, the ship vibration must be fully considered in the ship design stage. It mainly focuses on the simulation of the propeller-induced fluctuating pressure in the finite element calculation of the vibration response of a feeder container vessel. Three simulation methods are proposed for the propeller-induced fluctuating pressure according to the distribution of the fluctuating pressure measured in the propeller cavitation test and the fluctuating pressure induced by the propeller. A fast, efficient and accurate finite element method is finally selected for the simulation of the propeller-induced fluctuating pressure through the comparative study of the differences of the calculation results of the three simulation methods. The overall ship vibration response analysis of a feeder container vessel is conducted by applying the propeller-induced fluctuating pressure simulation method to predict and control the ship vibration. The vibration test of the full scale ship proves that the ship has good vibration performance.

Key words: feeder container vessel, finite element calculation of vibration response, propeller-induced fluctuating pressure simulation

摘要: 严重的船舶振动不仅影响船舶的居住舒适性,也是导致船体结构发生疲劳破坏及降低船舶设备仪表使用精度和寿命的元凶,因此在船舶设计阶段必须充分考虑船舶振动问题。文章基于某支线集装箱船,重点研究了船舶有限元振动响应计算中螺旋桨脉动压力的模拟方法;基于螺旋桨空泡试验测得的脉动压力和螺旋桨脉动压力的分布规律,提出3种不同的脉动压力模拟方法;通过对比研究不同模拟方法计算结果的差异,最终确定一种快速、高效且准确的螺旋桨脉动压力有限元模拟方法;应用该螺旋桨脉动压力模拟方法对某支线集装箱船进行全船振动响应分析,以实现船舶振动预报控制。经实船试航振动测试验证,该船振动性能良好。

关键词: 支线集装箱船, 有限元振动响应计算, 螺旋桨脉动压力模拟

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