Ship & Boat ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (06): 140-144.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.06.140

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Research on Shipboard Communication System Model Based on Blockchain Technology

ZHUYU, Zhang-yang, LI Kai, BAO Yun-fei   

  1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Received:2019-07-08 Revised:2019-09-27 Online:2019-12-25 Published:2020-03-07


朱羽, 张扬, 李凯, 鲍云飞   

  1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011
  • 作者简介:朱羽张扬(1993-),男,本科,助理工程师。研究方向:舰船通信。李 凯(1984-),男,硕士,高级工程师。研究方向:舰船信息化。鲍 云 飞(1986-),男,硕士,工程师。研究方向:软件工程。

Abstract: As the prime target of the enemy during the Information Warfare Era, shipboard communication system is very important for the warship combat capability. The abilities of data anti-damage and data backtracking are the essential demand in the design of the shipboard communication system. It studies the hidden danger of the current mainstream data storage mode, and presents a communication system of data storage based on the blockchain technology. The anti-damage ability of the information data in the communication system is improved by the decentralized technology of the blockchain, and the data backtracking is performed by the information data interaction generated during the task by using the tamper-resistant characteritics of the blockchian..

Key words: shipboard communication system, blockchain, data anti-damage, data backtracking

摘要: 作为信息战时代敌方的重点打击对象,通信系统对于舰船作战效能至关重要,其信息数据抗损毁能力及回溯能力是设计时的重要需求。该文研究了现今主流数据存储模式存在的隐患,并提出一种基于区块链技术进行数据存储的通信系统,以区块链去中心化的技术特点来提高通信系统中信息数据的抗损毁能力,同时利用区块链不可篡改的特点对任务过程中产生的信息数据交互实现回溯。

关键词: 舰船通信系统, 区块链, 数据抗损毁, 数据回溯

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