Ship & Boat ›› 2020, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (03): 109-117.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.03.109

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Applicability Analysis of Design Rules for Helicopter Landing Platform and Hangar of Public Service Ship and Scientific Research Ship

YU Yang, HUANG Wei   

  1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Received:2019-10-17 Revised:2019-12-31 Online:2020-06-25 Published:2021-08-20


于洋, 黄维   

  1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011
  • 作者简介:于 洋(1986-),男,本科,工程师。研究方向:船舶舾装设计。黄 维(1975-),男,本科,研究员。研究方向:船舶舾装设计。

Abstract: In recent years, more and more public service ships and scientific research ships have been built in china. Most of them will be equipped with helicopter landing platforms and even hangars due to the particularity of such ships. However, there is no common design rule for the helicopter landing platforms and hangars of such ships, resulting in the non-unified standards and rules adopted in the design. The current relevant civil and military rules for the design of the helicopter landing platforms and hangars are compared and analyzed in view of the above situation. The applicability of the design rules is discussed for the helicopter landing platform and the hangar of a full-scale ship. It can provide reference for the future similar designs.

Key words: public service ship, scientific research ship, helicopter, landing platform, hangar

摘要: 近年来,我国建造下水的公务船、科考船越来越多,由于此类船舶的特殊性,基本都会配备直升机起降平台甚至机库。但目前为止,依然没有一个完全适用于此类船舶直升机起降平台及机库的设计规范,造成设计时所选用的规范标准依据不统一。文章针对上述情况,对目前有关直升机起降平台及机库设计的相关民用、军用规范进行梳理和对比分析,并结合实船设计案例,探讨此类船舶直升机起降平台及机库设计规范的适用性,结论可作为今后类似设计参考借鉴。

关键词: 公务船, 科考船, 直升机, 起降平台, 机库

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