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Research and Design of Intelligent Liquid Cargo Integrated Control System
CHEN Junjie, XIA Jun
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (02): 95-102.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.02.095
Abstract162)      PDF (1458KB)(284)       Save
The intelligent liquid cargo integrated control system refers to the use of sensors, communication, Internet, big data and other technical means to automatically obtain the information of the liquid cargo handling, process and analyze the relevant data, and then assist or replace the crew in various working conditions, thereby improving the economy and safety of the ship operation. The function and composition of the intelligent liquid cargo integrated control system are presented based on the project of the COSCO 8 000 t chemical tanker. This paper can provide references for the intellectualization of the liquid cargo tanker.
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Design and Assessment of Flooding Detection System Satisfied with Safe Return to Port Requirement
CHEN Chaojun, CHEN Junjie, ZHANG You
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (01): 111-116.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.01.111
Abstract127)      PDF (2147KB)(205)       Save
The essence of safe return to port (SRtP) is that the passenger ships can withstand a fire or a flooding casualty. A flooding casualty, as a fire casualty, will seriously threat the safety of the passenger ships. The early detection, mid-term alarm and post-processing of the flooding casualty should be considered in the ship design. The redundant design of the flooding alarm system is studied for the 700 pax Ro-Ro passenger ship that was designed by Marine Design and Research Institute of China (MARIC). The relevant follow-up actions and processing measures of other SRtP subsystems are considered in view of the associated effects of the flooding casualty.
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