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On Measures of Carbon Emission Reduction for Ship Products
LI Xin, CHU Jianshu
Ship & Boat    2022, 33 (03): 28-36.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2022.03.028
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The rapid increase in carbon emissions from the shipping industry will have a serious impact on the aggravation of the greenhouse effect. All parties in the shipping industry have put forward higher expectations and requirements for ship products to reduce carbon emissions. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has strictly controlled the access of new ships through the survey and certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI). Focusing on the reduction of the EEDI to meet the requirement of the carbon emission reduction in each stage, the EEDI is thoroughly studied by reviewing and analyzing the current measures of ship carbon emission reduction, with emphasis on the concept, method, effectiveness, application, implementation restrictions and future prospects of eleven measures of carbon emission reduction. The analysis shows that various measures have certain effects, but it is difficult for a single measure to achieve the goal of low-carbon or zero-carbon emissions alone. The analysis of the carbon emission reduction measures from the viewpoint of the shipbuilding enterprises can provide references for the academic research and industrial practice of ship products.
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