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Design of Omnidirectional USVs Based on Paddle Wheels
GAN Zhangze, LIU Zhiqiang, HUANG Ziye, XIANG Qingqing, JIANG Chenxi
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (04): 21-28.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.04.003
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An omnidirectional unmanned ship platform is designed based on four paddle wheels to address the problems of large turning radius of existing garbage cleaning ships, especially poor maneuverability in small and narrow waters. A kinematic model has been firstly established for the dynamic analysis of the ship. The paddle wheel is stably controlled by using the fuzzy adaptive proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control algorithm, combing with the real-time motion data of the direct current (DC) motor encoder. The experimental results show that the omnidirectional USV can achieve transverse, longitudinal and oblique motion without changing heading angle. The trajectory tracking accuracy is high, with an error of within 10 cm, and the actual trajectory conforms to the expected one. This ship has advantages such as zero turning radius and shallow draft, which is suitable for garbage cleaning in small narrow waters.
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