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State-of-the-Art of Polar Navigation and Ice Exploration Equipment
GUO Kun, LU Wei, WANG Xingchuan, WANG Qingxin, ZHANG Qiming, SUN Lei, JIN Biyao
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 143-153.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.143
Abstract332)      PDF (3031KB)(497)       Save
Polar navigation is the guarantee for ships to achieve scientific research and safe navigation in the polar area. At present, there are many studies on the theory of polar navigation in China about the arrangement of Inertial Navigation System (INS), the availability of satellite navigation polar area, multi-sensor integrated navigation, etc. But there are still blanks in the application of polar navigation and ice exploration equipment in the high latitude navigation engineering in the polar area. In order to solve the engineering application problems of the device in the polar region from the system level, the paper combines the theory to analyze the polar environment and ship based in the polar region on the performance of the navigation device, and combines the research status of the ice exploration radar, inertial navigation, satellite navigation, electronic charts, satellite communication and other devices in the polar region, studies the working process of the design of the ice navigation device, and discusses the direction of future research and development of the navigation device in China.
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On Power Grid Architecture of Heavy Icebreakers
LU Wei, ZHI Li
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 129-136.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.129
Abstract90)      PDF (6548KB)(176)       Save
The development of heavy icebreakers above PC2 class has become an important part of the polar strategy with the growth of the demand of polar exploration research and development in China. A propulsion system with great power and redundancy is a particular feature of heavy icebreakers. It is found that the electric propulsion system has become the development trend through the analysis of the foreign heavy icebreakers using conventional power. The total capacity of its integrated power system is often greater than 50 MW. The output power of the propulsion motor can reach 20 MW with multiple main thrusters, and the single engine power may exceed 10 MW with more than four prime motors. The capacity level of the above-mentioned key devices of the power system is rarely used on existing ships, with insufficient domestic supporting parts. The essential parts of the power system such as the generators, propulsion motors and frequency converters are selected by analyzing the power grid voltage level based on the demand of heavy icebreakers. Combined with the domestic supporting situations, a power grid architecture for the heavy icebreaker is proposed with reference to the existing power grid architecture in foreign countries, in order to facilitate the development of subsequent ships.
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