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Comparison of Speed Correction Method Between ITTC 2021 and ISO 15016
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (04): 127-133.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.04.014
Abstract20)      PDF (2010KB)(13)       Save
In order to understand the applicability of the speed correction method of the ITTC 2021, the experimental requirements and correction process of the speed correction method of this method during the test of ship speed are introduced and compared with those of the ISO 15016∶2015. Speed correction programs for the two methods are developed through programming based on the principle of speed correction. The trail data of three typical ship types are then analyzed by using the two correction methods, summarizing the effects of the two correction methods on the correction results under different environmental factors such as wind, wave, tide, temperature, density, and water depth. The results show that the correction method of the ITTC 2021 is more reasonable than that of the ISO 15016∶2015. And the resulting speed corrected by the ITTC 2021 method is slightly higher than that by the ISO 15016:2015 correction method for these three ship types, while the newly added correction method for the added resistance in waves is the main factor causing the difference of the analysis results.
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Analysis of Carbon Emissions for Large Container Ship Operations Based on “Fit for 55” Draft
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (04): 62-68.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.04.062
Abstract97)      PDF (1240KB)(184)       Save
The European Commission has proposed the “Fit for 55” draft to address the emission reduction goal of the shipping industry within the European Union (EU) through the market mechanism measures. In order to evaluate the taxes and fees that ships will need to pay in the EU region in the future, the components and influencing factors of the EU taxes and fees are discussed to propose three measures to reduce the EU taxes and fees. These three measures are compared and analyzed for the large container ships. The study shows that using low and zero carbon fuels is the trend for reducing carbon emissions in the future.
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