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Experiment Platform for Path Planning and Control of Unmanned SurfaceVehicle
TANG Chuanyin, YAN Yu, XIA Jifeng, JI Wei, YANG Dongxing, WANG Shu, SHANG Haijiang
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (02): 96-105.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.02.011
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An experimental platform of an unmanned planning craft equipped with multiple sensors and control systems is proposed aiming at the insufficient system verification and evaluation of the path planning and obstacle avoidance control of the unmanned surface vehicle in real environment. The developed experimental platform integrates the LiDAR, depth camera, global positioning system(GPS), ultra wide band (UWB) positioning system, gyroscope and other sensors, and uses main controllers and bottom controllers based on the robot operating system(ROS) and Free_RTOS operating system. The experimental platform consists of the planing craft itself, the sensing system, the bottom controller and the remote monitoring system, including the upper positioning algorithm, the path planning algorithm and the actuator control algorithm. A comprehensive experimental platform including mapping, positioning and remote monitoring is built on the unmanned planning craft equipped with various sensors. The effectiveness of the path planning and obstacle avoidance control algorithm is verified by the navigation experiment of the planning craft. It is supposed to provide theoretical references for the technological development and application of unmanned surface vehicles.
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