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Integrated Logistic Support for Helicopters on Polar Ships
TANG Qingzhi, LIU Peng, MA Tianshuai, HUANG Wei, WU Bin, YUAN Haitong
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (03): 90-95.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.03.009
Abstract48)      PDF (1492KB)(43)       Save
A set of shipboard helicopter integrated logistic support helicopter integrated logistic support(ILS) methods adapting to extreme environmental conditions, such as polar low temperature and icing, is proposed in order to meet the increasing requirements of ILS for helicopters on polar ships in China. The current common polar rules, standards and ship configuration are studied to identify their incompatibility with extreme polar environments. Targeted improvement plans are then proposed based on relevant domestic and international systems. These improved helicopter ILS methods for polar ships can be selectively applied to the design and construction of new generation polar ships.
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