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Present Status and Consideration on Development of Pre-warning Observation Platform for US Sea-based Ballistic Missile
TANG Yao, ZHANG Jin, ZHANG Xiang-rui
Ship & Boat    2019, 30 (04): 99-107.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.04.099
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In recent years, the US has developed the pre-warning observation platform for the sea-based ballistic missile, which can provide the pre-warning observation and the precise identification of the ballistic missiles from other countries. It has become a key point of the pre-warning system for US sea-based ballistic missiles. From the present status of the development of the pre-warning observation platform for the US sea-based ballistic missile, it studies and analyzes the characteristics and the main functions, and preliminarily summarizes the future development trend. Some considerations are presented for the development of the pre-warning observation platform for the sea-based ballistic missiles in China.
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