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State-of-the-Art in Predicting the Added Resistance of Ship Advancing in Waves
LIU Shukui
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (03): 1-24.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.001
Abstract259)      PDF (2219KB)(440)       Save
Along with the advancement of the International Maritime Organization’s strategy on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the prediction of added resistance in waves has become a hot issue during the last decade. As a second-order wave force, the mechanism of added resistance in waves is not only related to the characteristics of the ship itself, but also to its operating conditions and marine environment. However, the experimental determination and numerical prediction of the added resistance in waves have remained a challenge due to various technical constraints. This study briefly presents the state-of-the-art of various methods for the prediction of the added resistance in waves by reviewing and commenting the development of various methods, such as experimental methods, potential flow methods, viscous flow methods, semi-empirical methods and data-driven methods. In addition, based on a newly developed semi-empirical formula, a new type of contour diagram of the average added resistance for a ship sailing at various speeds under various sea states is presented to facilitate engineering applications. Finally, the prime concern of the future research is proposed based on thorough discussion.
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