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Integrated Logistic Support for Helicopters on Polar Ships
TANG Qingzhi, LIU Peng, MA Tianshuai, HUANG Wei, WU Bin, YUAN Haitong
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (03): 90-95.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.03.009
Abstract47)      PDF (1492KB)(43)       Save
A set of shipboard helicopter integrated logistic support helicopter integrated logistic support(ILS) methods adapting to extreme environmental conditions, such as polar low temperature and icing, is proposed in order to meet the increasing requirements of ILS for helicopters on polar ships in China. The current common polar rules, standards and ship configuration are studied to identify their incompatibility with extreme polar environments. Targeted improvement plans are then proposed based on relevant domestic and international systems. These improved helicopter ILS methods for polar ships can be selectively applied to the design and construction of new generation polar ships.
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Topological Layout Research of Pillars Under Long-Span Grillage Structure Based on Dynamic Optimization
MA Tianshuai, CHEN Tao, YANG Deqing, QIU Weiqiang, GAO Chu
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (03): 76-85.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.076
Abstract69)      PDF (2356KB)(126)       Save
Long-span structure is one of the typical structure features of ships. Low rigidity of the long-span structure causes large structure displacement and vibration amplitude, imposing difficulties in the vibration reduction design. The vibration of the long-span grillage structure is analyzed for a ship under bow thruster excitation in the current study. Topology optimization base structure is then established for the arrangement of the pillar under the long-span grillage structure. With the objective function of lightest structure weight based on SIMP method, the dynamic topology optimization design is carried out by using the stand pillar arrangement topology optimization model considering the vibration velocities of specified nodes as the constrain. The results show that a pillar arrangement plan with good vibration control performance is obtained by using the long-span pillar topology optimization method in the current study. This method can reduce the complexity of the design and the workload of the dynamic calculation, with a better vibration damping effect.
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Standard Requirements of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)and Application in Machinery Design for Container Vessel
YAO Fei, DONG Yue, LI Hua, DUAN Yulong, MA Tianshuai
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (02): 88-93.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.02.088
Abstract149)      PDF (1600KB)(332)       Save
With the increasingly stringent requirements of marine environmental protection, all major classification societies have proposed their own environmental protection class notations. Among them, the additional class notation of DNVGL CLEAN(DESIGN)additional notation sets requirements for the design, operation and equipment of ships to reduce the ship's environmental impact from air emissions, sea discharges and hazardous materials from ship to shore. The environmental notation CLEAN(DESIGN)is quite stringent in the DNVGL rules, which is rarely used in the design of container vessels in recent years. A dual-fuel container vessel is a green ship that has the notation CLEAN(DESIGN). In the process of research and development, the container vessel has broken through a series of design essentials, such as the arrangement of engine room and liquid tanks, sewage treatment and fuel tank protection, reaching a new level of green environmental protection for container vessels. This article systematically summarizes the requirements of CLEAN(DESIGN)notation for the machinery design of container vessels, and studies the influence of this notation on the machinery design of container vessels. It also shows the design ideas and schemes of this vessel combining with the practical project, and presents measures for further improvement of the environmental protection level of container vessels.
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