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Development and Application of Smoke-Proof Curtain for Ship
WANG Dong-tao
Ship & Boat    2020, 31 (06): 79-84.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2020.06.079
Abstract117)            Save
Once a fire occurs on a ship, a large amount of smoke will be generated, which will not only cause corrosion and failure of the important equipment, but also seriously affect the personal safety and evacuation. It is therefore necessary to control the diffusion of smoke at the beginning of the fire accident. A marine smoke-proof curtain is developed to solve the problem of the rapid diffusion and the spread of smoke through the openings, such as doors, hatches and passages. It carries out the study of the key technologies of curtain material, coating material and coating process, and proposes the structure configuration and installation of the smoke-proof curtain device. Systematic tests are also carried out, showing that the developed smoke-proof curtain can meet the technical requirements, and effectively reduce the harm of the fire smoke to personnel and equipment, as well as protect and improve the vitality of the ship.
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