船舶 ›› 2024, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (01): 19-25.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.01.002

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  1. 上海船舶研究设计院 上海 201203
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-15 修回日期:2024-01-03 出版日期:2024-02-25 发布日期:2024-03-01
  • 作者简介:李路(1972-),男,硕士,研究员。研究方向:船舶设计及船舶数字化、智能化。华中科技大学计算机应用专业硕士、武汉水运工程学院船舶动力装置专业学士,系统分析员,国务院政府津贴获得者,现任上海船舶研究设计院副院长、中国船舶工业行业协会智能船舶分会副主任委员、中国智能船舶创新联盟执行秘书长。其对船舶设计及数字化在研发设计中应用有着深刻的理解,尤其是对于基于异构平台统一数据源的船舶数字化协同设计及设计院所数字化转型工作有着丰富的实践经验。其主导了中国《智能船舶发展白皮书-远洋船舶篇》2023版的编制和发布,并作为EEDI中国专家组副组长代表中国长期参与国际海事组织相关规则的制定和谈判,编写的多份提案皆被IMO采纳。
  • 基金资助:

On the Connotation and Classification of Smart Ships

LI Lu   

  1. Shanghai Merchant Ship Design and Research Institute, Shanghai 201203, China
  • Received:2023-12-15 Revised:2024-01-03 Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-01

摘要: 自21世纪以来,世界主要造船大国先后开始智能船舶的研制,近期更是在该领域加大加快推进战略布局。对于这重要的产业竞争高地,唯有深刻理解其内涵,充分认识其专业性、复杂性、艰巨性,明晰发展方向,方能制定出适合本国船舶工业的智能船舶发展路径。该文阐明了智能船舶的内涵,详细分析船舶行业智能化发展相较于其他行业的差异性和难点,重点论述了智能船舶分级的必要性,提出一种基于系统工程思维来进行智能船舶分级定义的方法和流程,并以《智能船舶发展白皮书》为例进行解释说明。

关键词: 智能船舶, 数字化, 自主航行, 系统工程, 自学习, 内涵, 分级, 白皮书

Abstract: Major shipbuilding countries in the world have started the development of smart ships since the 21st century. Recently, efforts have been made to accelerate the strategic layout in the field of the smart ships. As an important industry competitive highland, the proper approach for the development of the smart ships that is suitable for the domestic shipbuilding industry can be formulated only by deeply understanding its connotation, fully recognizing its professionalism, complexity and difficulty, and clearly clarifying its development direction. The connotation of the smart ships is clarified, and the differences and difficulties of the shipbuilding industry compared with other industries are analyzed in detail. After the discussion of the necessity of the classification of the smart ships, it proposes a method and procedure for the definition of the classification of the smart ships based on the system engineering, explained further by taking the White Paper on the Development of Smart Ships as an example.

Key words: smart ship, digitalization, autonomous navigation, system engineering, self-learning, intension, class notation, white paper
