Ship & Boat ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (03): 83-92.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.03.083

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International Labour Organization and MLC 2006 as Amended

LIN De-hui   

  1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Received:2019-05-09 Online:2019-06-25 Published:2021-08-20

国际劳工组织及经修正的MLC 2006简介


  1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011
  • 作者简介:林德辉(1941-),男,本科,研究员。研究方向:船舶电气、标准(含规则、规范)。

Abstract: The Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC 2006) has been amended three times since it entered into force in 2013, and has been approved by 90 member states representing more than 91% of the total tonnage of merchant ships in the world. The latest version of “MLC 2006” is “MLC 2006” as amended, including MLC 2006 and the effected 2014 amendments and 2016 amendments to the MLC 2006. The structure of the MLC 2006 divides into two parts, “Articles” and “Regulations and Code”, in which “Explanatory note to the Regulations and Code of the Maritime Labour Convention” are inserted. In “Regulations and Code” of the “MLC 2006”, Chapter 3 “Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering” is closely related to the ship design and ship construction. It presents the contents of Chapter 3, particularly “General requirements for accommodation”, “Sleeping rooms”, “Lighting and mess rooms” and “Sanitary facilities”.

Key words: international labour organization (ILO), maritime labour convention 2006 (MLC 2006), amendment, article, regulations and code, explanatory note, accommodation, sleeping room, recreational facility, sanitary facility, food and catering, convention on crew accommodation

摘要: 自2013年MLC 2006生效以来,该公约经过三次修正,现已获90个成员国批准,且这些国家的商船总吨位超过世界商船总吨位的91 %。MLC 2006的最新版本为“经修正的MLC 2006”,其包括MLC 2006以及已生效的“2014年修正案”和“2016年修正案”。MLC 2006的结构分为“条款”与“规则和守则”两部分,并在其中插入了“海事劳工公约的规则和守则的解释性说明”。 在MLC 2006中,“规则和守则”的第3篇 “起居舱室、娱乐设施、食品和膳食服务”与船舶设计、建造的关系密切。文中对第3篇,尤其是“起居舱室的一般要求”、“卧室”、“照明和餐厅”、“卫生设施”等内容作了介绍。

关键词: 国际劳工组织, 2006国际海事劳工公约, 修正案, 条款, 规则和守则, 解释性说明, 起居舱室, 卧室, 娱乐设施, 卫生设施, 食品和膳食服务, 海员舱室公约

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