Ship & Boat ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (06): 72-75.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.06.072

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Analysis of Causation on Insufficient Fresh Water Generating Quantity for Semi-submersible Drilling Platform

TANG Chuan-an, YANG Shu-chuang, WANG Xu, LI Bin, JIANG Hui   

  1. Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd., Design and Research Institute, Dalian 116021, China
  • Received:2019-02-20 Revised:2019-03-13 Online:2019-12-25 Published:2020-03-07


唐传安, 杨述闯, 王旭, 李斌, 姜会   

  1. 大连船舶重工集团设计研究院有限公司 大连116021
  • 作者简介:唐传安(1981-),男,硕士,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶和海洋平台轮机设计。杨述闯(1969-),男,本科,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶和海洋平台轮机设计。王 旭(1981-),男,本科,高级工程师。研究方向:船舶和海洋平台轮机设计。李 斌(1968-),男,本科,高级工程师。研究方向:机舱舾装生产设计技术。姜 会(1981-),男,本科,工程师。研究方向:机舱舾装生产设计技术。

Abstract: A semi-submersible drilling platform adopts the evaporative fresh water generator using the waste heat of the diesel engine jacket water. However, the fresh water generating quantity decreases significantly when the operation area of the platform changes. It analyzes the causation of the insufficient fresh water generating quantity in view of both design principle and field-measurement data, and proposes the corresponding solutions.

Key words: semi-submersible drilling platform, fresh water generating quantity, air cooler, heat

摘要: 某半潜式钻井平台采用利用柴油机缸套水废热的蒸发式制淡装置,在该平台的作业区域发生变化后,发现制淡量明显降低。文章从设计原理和现场测量数据两方面分析得出制淡量不足的原因,并提出相应的解决方案。

关键词: 半潜式钻井平台, 制淡量, 空冷器, 热量

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