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Application and Future Development of Scientific Research Autonomous Underwater Vehicles in Polar Regions
CHEN Chi, WU Gang, JIA Dongdong, QIN Qi, LI Yuan
Ship & Boat    2024, 35 (01): 59-69.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2024.01.006
Abstract77)      PDF (2251KB)(133)       Save
As polar scientific exploration requires broader range, deeper space, and more data collection, unmanned equipment emerges frequently in the polar research expeditions from various countries, helping researchers to have a comprehensive and thorough understanding of the polar environment. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) have gradually become indispensable equipment for the polar underwater scientific research in the new century due to their advantages of autonomy and versatility. Therefore, it is essential to review the application of scientific research AUVs in polar regions and anticipate their future development. This article begins with a basic introduction to AUVs, followed by analysis of the main purposes and advantages of the AUVs in polar regions based on the summarization of the thirty polar AUV operations in the world. The challenges encountered by the AUVs applied in polar regions are discussed to present the development of the AUVs suitable for the polar scientific research. Additionally, thoughts are also proposed for the design of a new generation of polar research vessels equipped with unmanned equipment such as AUVs.
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Discussion on Establishment of China Polar Rescue System
HUANG Wei, WU Bin, TANG Qingzhi, LI Yuan
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 40-50.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.040
Abstract179)      PDF (1485KB)(375)       Save
The harsh natural environment and special geographical position of the polar regions make the polar activities more dangerous. Frequent sudden accidents also impose higher requirements for the emergency rescue in the polar regions. China has carried out a large number of scientific investigations and commercial shipping in the Antarctic and Arctic, but with weak foundation of polar rescue. By summarizing the current main rescue modes in the polar regions, a preliminary idea of the polar rescue system is proposed, and the organization structure, regulation study, platform construction, environmental survey, communication and navigation, rescue station distribution, equipment development, personnel training and procedure formulation are described. This study will fill the gap in the research of polar rescue system in China, in order to provide references for the establishment of the polar rescue system in the future.
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Discussion on Future Arctic Shipping Mode
LI Yuan
Ship & Boat    2023, 34 (01): 7-11.   DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.01.007
Abstract253)      PDF (1307KB)(366)       Save
The Arctic passages have been the focus of the international community due to its remarkable strategic and economic value. The normalization and scalization of the Arctic shipping becomes possible in the future driven by the combination of climate change, advance of science and technology and gradual improvement of the security system. The current ship types sailing in the Arctic have shown a diversification trend, forming a window period and seasonal shipping mode. The development of the Arctic shipping in the future also faces many challenges and constraints. Moreover, political factors will raise uncertainties to the Arctic passage. This paper prospects and discusses the development and mode of the Arctic shipping in the future, and puts forward the key problems to be solved in the development of the normalization of the shipping in Arctic.
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