Ship & Boat ›› 2019, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (03): 64-70.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2019.03.064

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Design of Cooling Water System on Dynamic Positioning Wind Turbine Service Unit

LI Kang-kang, Wang-le, Wu Lei   

  1. Marine Design & Research Institute of China, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Received:2018-04-12 Revised:2018-09-11 Online:2019-06-25 Published:2021-08-20


李康康, 王乐, 吴磊   

  1. 中国船舶及海洋工程设计研究院 上海200011
  • 作者简介:李康康(1988-),男,工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋工程轮机设计。王 乐(1984-),男,工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋工程轮机设计。吴 磊(1990-),男,工程师。研究方向:船舶与海洋工程轮机设计。

Abstract: The design of the cooling water system on wind turbine service unit with DP-1 and DP-2 dynamic positioning grades is quite different. This paper introduces the cooling water system on a 1 200 t self-elevating and self-propelled wind turbine service unit, and analyzes the running situations of the cooling water system under the different operation conditions. In order to meet the requirements of the cooling water under the different operation conditions, the cooling water systems of the ship with DP-1 and DP-2 dynamic positioning grades are designed and calculated respectively.

Key words: wind turbine service unit, dynamic positioning, cooling water system

摘要: 动力定位等级分别为DP-1和DP-2的风电安装船。其冷却水系统设计有较大差别。文章介绍1 200 t自升自航式风电安装船的冷却水系统用户,分析不同工况下各冷却水系统用户的运行情况;为满足各工况下各用户对冷却水的需求,对该船型动力定位等级为DP-1和DP-2时的冷却水系统分别进行设计计算。

关键词: 风电安装船, 动力定位, 冷却水系统

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