Ship & Boat ›› 2023, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (03): 97-106.DOI: 10.19423/j.cnki.31-1561/u.2023.03.097

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Ship-Shore Compatibility and Practical Operation Points for LNG Carriers

ZHANG Kun   

  1. SINOPEC Qingdao Liquefied Natural Gas Co., Ltd., Qingdao 266400, China
  • Received:2022-12-06 Revised:2023-01-16 Online:2023-06-25 Published:2023-07-06



  1. 中国石化青岛液化天然气有限责任公司 青岛 266400
  • 作者简介:张坤(1989-),男,硕士,工程师。研究方向:LNG接收站船岸界面技术研究和船岸作业安全管理。

Abstract: Ship-shore matching verification is an important guarantee for safe berthing, unberthing, and efficient operation of ships. The basic procedure of the ship-shore compatibility study has been summarized through the confirmation and analysis of the ship-shore compatibility study before the handling operation during the berthing of the LNG carrier. The key points of the practical operation and control are pointed out by focusing on the information exchange between ships and shore, data collection and mooring analysis, with emphasis on the importance and necessity of the ship-shore compatibility study. The requirements and reasonable suggestions are provided for the monitoring of practical operation, the ship-shore safety check, the port state control inspection and the review of ships that have passed the ship-shore compatibility study but have not arrived at the port for a long time during the handling operation of berthing ships. The measures against the listed problems that arise from the insufficient compatibility study are provided to guide other receiving terminals to conduct sufficient compatibility study, ship-shore interface safety check and port state control inspection, and safely and efficiently finish relevant jobs, such as the berthing, operation, unberthing and re-berthing of the ships. The operation efficiency of the ships at shore stations is improved to achieve the optimal berthing operation.

Key words: liquefied natural gas(LNG)carrier, receiving terminal, compatibility, discharging operation, ship-shore interface, control point, optimization

摘要: 船岸匹配校核是船舶安全靠泊、离泊及进行高效作业的重要保障。文章通过对LNG船舶靠泊开展装卸作业前船岸匹配校核程序进行确认与分析,归纳总结匹配校核的基本流程,重点就如何开展船岸间信息交换、资料收集和系泊分析等,指出作业中实际操作的控制要点,突出船岸匹配校核的重要性及必要性。同时针对靠泊船舶装卸作业过程中实际操作环节监控、船岸安全检查、港口国安全检查及已通过匹配校核的船舶长期未到港的复审工作提出要求及合理建议,列举匹配校核不充分导致作业中出现的问题并给出针对性处理措施,以指导其他岸站充分开展匹配校核工作、进行船岸界面安全检查及港口国安全检查,安全高效完成靠泊船舶的对接、作业、离泊及再次靠泊等相关工作,提高岸站的船舶作业效率,实现泊位运行的最优化。

关键词: LNG船舶, 接收站, 匹配, 卸货作业, 船岸界面, 控制要点, 最优化

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